「ドキュメントトーカ 触地図」は、地図に表示されている地名や駅名、施設名などを、触れるだけで読み上げてくれるアプリです。
日本全土が表示される縮尺では主要都市のみが表示されますので、地図の上をなぞっていけば、 「東京」「甲府」「静岡」「浜松」といったように東から西にわたる主要都市が読上げられます。
Ver1.1 より、国土交通省、国土数値情報データを使い、鉄道路線、道路・河川(東京のみ)の名称を読み上げます。
Ver2.0 より、操作方法の改善があり、より使いやすくなっております。
ピンチイン・ピンチアウト動作で地図画面の縮尺は変わりますが、変化具合が分からない場合には、 スクリーンの下部に配置された拡大・縮小ボタンをご使用ください
“Document talker tactile map” is, place name or station name is displayed on the map, such as facility name, is an app that will be read aloud at the touch.
Talkback corresponds to, is map software for those who are visually impaired.
Map, we use the Yahoo map, but it is the only map app that is available at present. Thanks to Yahoo’s!
The map that is displayed, you will see the place name, etc., depending on the scale, but you read the text, which is the display.
only major cities to scale that throughout Japan is displayed will appear, and if we traced over the map, “Tokyo”, “Kofu” “Shizuoka” the main city from the east over the west as such as “Hamamatsu” is announced You.
If we increase the scale, it will also read aloud to the name of the building name and shops.
In addition, by reducing the scale, in the world map level, you will be reading the world of country.
Than Ver1.1, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, to use the digital national land information data, and read aloud the name of the railway, road and river (Tokyo only).
Than Ver2.0, there is improvement in the method of operation, making it easier to use.
Screen configuration, to the top (called the action bar), “title” and “Search” button,
“Other options button” on the far right, are lined with (depending on the model “menu button”).
Below that, the map screen that occupies most screen, in the bottom, is lined with buttons that read aloud the details scaling button in the map and its point.
How to use
When Talkback is enabled
Ver2.0 than method of operation has changed.
The map screen stands a pin flag that mark point.
Please traced slowly map screen with one finger.
Pin flag we will continue to slowly move to the traced direction.
text of the point where the pin points will be read aloud.
As it is, please slowly crazy mystery Li.
Hand does not change the position of the mark point, even away from the map screen.
It has enabled seamless viewing because mark point is automatically scroll when protrude from the map screen.
The top and bottom of the map screen, there is a buffer zone of a finger operation, there is no movement of the mark point also contains a finger in it.
When the finger enters the buffer zone will tell you in sound. Under the buffer zone scaling buttons and the like are located.
If slowly Nazore, but will be read aloud without sound is omitted, and traced quickly, before the speech is interrupted until you hear the new place.
Map the upper north, under the south, right is east, since the left has become a fixed and west, I think to come also found positional relationship such as a building.
There is also the ability to read the distance, such as a building.
Railway, road, river reading You can be the setting in the menu has become an option.
In the operation of two fingers, and scroll the screen, scaling of the map is performed, the sound you will hear the meantime.
When scrolling and scaling has finished, it will also be made read aloud, such as center point and scale of the map.
However, of the two-finger operation, there are times when it is not carried out smoothly by the terminal model.
If you double-tap, you can read the address information of the mark point. This is the same function as the read-aloud button of the mark point.
Is part of the terminal may read aloud is not performed.
The address information, address, building name will be read aloud the store name that tenants.
Only address if it was nothing place, you may be reading an intersection or street name.
If that can be read aloud as “Japan” might be pointing to the “on the sea”.
“I do not know. on be of the sea” in some cases, such as, but in this case you may not communication is good well.
In the case of overseas, but only country, it will also be added the name of the following regional states and provinces.
The United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, China
Scaling of map
Scale of the map screen with pinch-pinch out operation will change, but if the change condition do not know, please use the scaling button located at the bottom of the screen
Menu item
And type of map
– Of railway lines and read aloud
– Main reading of road and river
Mark points to the center of the map
• To read the center of the map
• To read the scale
– To You are here
-Distance reading of
· GPS On
– Clear History of
V1.1.0 鉄道、道路、河川のデータを追加しました。
最小: お使いのデバイスは、最高の経験 OS のためのこれらの要件を満たす必要があります-Windows の10バージョン10586.0 またはそれ以上の, Xbox one.
アーキテクチャ: x64、x86
あなたは、あなたの PC で ドキュメントトーカ 触地図 のようなアプリケーションを使うことを夢見ていますか?pc-Windows または MAC での作業 ドキュメントトーカ 触地図 を取得するには、以下の手順に従ってください。
i. Bluestacks: ダウンロードはこちら
ii. Nox ( より高速なのでお勧め ): ダウンロードはこちら
このアプリケーションは、PC/Mac ユーザーのために利用できて、そして作り付けのグーグル PlayStore を持っています。これは、コンピュータ上の電話のように動作し、あなたのコンピュータ上で ドキュメントトーカ 触地図 を実行できるようになります。
これは、インターネット接続と PC に応じて2〜5分かかる場合があります。アプリを起動し、Gmail でサインインします。
3. Bluestacks ホーム画面で、検索アイコンをクリックし、 “ドキュメントトーカ 触地図 ” を入力して、[検索] をクリックします。[インストール] をクリックして表示される多くのアプリケーションから適切なアプリを選択します。
4. ダウンロードしたすべてのアプリケーションがホーム画面に表示され、エミュレーターの “マイアプリ ” タブを使用して最小化またはアクセスできます。
5. アプリを起動し、pc で ドキュメントトーカ 触地図 の使用を開始します。
BlueStacks は安全ですか?
Bluestacks は、Windows または Mac デバイス上で Android アプリやゲームを実行するためのエミュレータです。ウィルスでも何でもないそれは完全にリスクフリーです。
BlueStacks は、あなたが PC 上で Android アプリを実行することができますアンドロイドアプリプレーヤーです.Bluestacks を搭載した PC にアプリをインストールする手順は次のとおりです。
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