About 72 Seasons Nara
Japan’s ancient capital, Nara, breathes with over 1300 years of history. From the north to the south of the prefecture, festivals and events celebrating its long history take place throughout the year, and the land flourishes with a wealth of seasonal foods. With 72 Seasons Nara you can learn more of this bountiful place, and tune your travels to the seasons. The main page updates approximately every five days, bringing you information for your trip. The “Seasonal Adventure” section gives suggestions for your travels for each of the main seasons – spring summer, autumn and winter.
※The 72 Season Nara app is related to the original 72 Seasons app, which is the first ever app to update according to the ancient Japanese calendar.
How to use
+ The main page shows the seasonal highlight in Nara according to 72seasons.
+ Tap the button at the bottom of the top page to view the “Seasonal Adventure” for different seasons.
+ The menu button in the top left allows you to change the following:
1. Language: Use the JP/EN button in the bottom left to change between Japanese and English
2. Contents: Tap on the dates to see contents from a different time of year. Tap the Today button to get back to the current contents.
3. Share: You can share 72 Seasons Nara on Facebook, Twitter, and email with the buttons in the bottom right.
+ Tap the button at the bottom of the top page to view the “Seasonal Adventure” for different seasons.
+ Contents will be updated through the year, so faded-out contents may not be available yet.
The main page updates in line with the ancient 72 season calendar, approximately every five days.
72 Seasons Nara will only update if your phone or ipad is connected to the net.
About the 72 season calendar
Japan has four beautiful seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter. The rich, unique expression of each season is reflected in our everyday lives, and the Japanese have long placed a special importance on seasonal changes.
The origins of that are the ancient 24 and 72 season calendars. First, the 24 season calendar takes the path of the sun as seen from earth and divides the 360 degree path into 15 degree segments, to make 24 seasons, each lasting around 15 days. From there, each of the 24 seasons is further divided into three more, to give 72 unique mini-seasons. Each lasting just five days or so, their names reflect the subtle changes in the natural world that can be seen at that time, such as “Spring Winds Thaw the Ice” and “The First Peach Blossoms”.
About the original 72 Seasons app
The 72 Season Nara app is related to the original 72 Seasons app, which is the first ever app to update according to the ancient Japanese calendar. Based on the 72 seasonal names, 72 Seasons brings you seasonal foods and events in a beautifully illustrated package based on the subtle changes throughout the year. It updates approximately every 5 days, like the 72 Season Nara app. 72 Seasons was developed in 2010 by Heibonsha and Dentsu, as part of their Utsukushii Kurashikata Institute activities.
About the original 72 Seasons app
The 72 Season Nara app is related to the original 72 Seasons app, which is the first ever app to update according to the ancient Japanese calendar. Based on the 72 seasonal names, 72 Seasons brings you seasonal foods and events in a beautifully illustrated package based on the subtle changes throughout the year. It updates approximately every 5 days, like the 72 Season Nara app. 72 Seasons was developed in 2010 by Heibonsha and Dentsu, as part of their Utsukushii Kurashikata Institute activities.
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アーキテクチャ: x64、x86
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i. Bluestacks: ダウンロードはこちら
ii. Nox ( より高速なのでお勧め ): ダウンロードはこちら
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これは、インターネット接続と PC に応じて2〜5分かかる場合があります。アプリを起動し、Gmail でサインインします。
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5. アプリを起動し、pc で 72 Seasons Nara の使用を開始します。
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Bluestacks は、Windows または Mac デバイス上で Android アプリやゲームを実行するためのエミュレータです。ウィルスでも何でもないそれは完全にリスクフリーです。
BlueStacks は、あなたが PC 上で Android アプリを実行することができますアンドロイドアプリプレーヤーです.Bluestacks を搭載した PC にアプリをインストールする手順は次のとおりです。
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