君の眼は節穴かい? 実はそばにいる君を猛烈に想っている宿縁の異性
人生総ナメ占! 恋愛・仕事・転機~まもなく君に訪れる【絶対運命】
人生まるっとお見通し! 君に訪れる三大転機~仕事、恋愛、結婚まで
ハッキリさせよう! あの人の読めぬ態度と見えない本音、二人の未来
曖昧な関係を打破! 二人の距離がググッと縮まるきっかけと恋の結末
真実だけを徹底追及! まだ知らないあの人の嘘、ひた隠している想い
苦しい片想いに終止符を! 諦めるべき? それとも望む未来は来る?
驚愕の新事実! あの人が実は告げたいけれど言いだせない3つの想い
【不倫限定】この関係このまま続けるべき? あの人はどうしたいの?
君にだけこっそり伝えよう! あの人の本音、90日以内に告げる言葉
包み隠さず教えよう! あの人の“真実”の姿、本音、望む君との未来
ようやく苦しい恋が終わるよ! あの人の本音、下される最終決断
苦しくて切ない恋に急展開! あの人は君との未来をどうするつもり?
これが本当の君だよ! 持って生まれた本質・宿命・能力・歩む未来
君の結婚相手はこの人! 栗原達也が見通す~生涯の伴侶「10の特徴」
周りを見回してごらん!? 実はそばにいる、宿縁で結ばれた運命の異性
まかせなさい! 今まで独身でいた理由、婚期、宿縁【結婚全鑑定】
今日の運勢 総合・恋愛・仕事運
栗原達也が占断! 君の性格~基本の「表」自覚してない「裏」
「良」も「悪」もズバッと言おう! 君の人生、次に起こる出来事とは
人生相談鑑定~今仕事を辞めてもいい? 転職したら状況は良くなる?
有料鑑定は、同じ端末でも購入時と異なるGoogle IDをご利用の場合や、アプリをアンインストールし再度インストールした場合は再購入の必要がございます。ご注意ください
“After consulting A child, in the occupied father of Shinjuku, it seemed ready to get married.”
Plausibly flowing rumor between Shinjuku Isetan Depaga us ….
The reason for the crazy girls the eyes is discerning the “Because this person is hit most.”
In observing eye was continued town [Shinjuku] Shine unplug the 3.5 million people of the fate intersect, it points to the future of the beleaguered people!
■■■■ occupied father Tatsuya Kurihara of Shinjuku Street ■■■■
Born as “Shinjuku mother” son of Sumiko Kurihara also, the mother chose to be a fortune-teller, because that had been disinherited in grandmother, his mother until the age of 7 grow been told that dead.
Also reunited with real mother, it took more than 10 years of time to open the heart for was longer period of time that was away.
The time of the 20s, from the nature of talent, once recommended to the mother is aspired a fortune-teller, also the training learn astrology pneumatically, palm reading, first and last name judgment and physiognomy, is “yourself before a great mother choose to gain still is not enough happiness to lead a force the Question “and working people experience.
Such as a coffee shop management and company worked, work in the real world more than 30 years, and finally becomes a position facing the 200 people of subordinates.
In the meantime, to experience the marriage of two degrees of divorce and three times, hope and want to help someone, know firsthand the importance of snuggle up to the feeling of the beleaguered people.
The opportunity the 50-year-old, apprenticed to again Shinjuku mother, in the city, Shinjuku coming and going of 350 million people every day, stand as a “second generation” in Isetan next to the mother continues falling.
■■■■ appraisal menu ■■■■
~ Fine horoscopes –
Your eye or knothole? Isomerization of karma you are have thought you to the furiously beside Actually
After the [all-luck-life] one year after three years foresee in the center eye …… You are where What are you doing?
[Looking for this person] can always get married. Karma heterosexual destined to come across within one year
Life total poison occupied! Love, work, turning point – soon visit you [absolute fate]
[Last encounter] already linked by bonds of fate, heterosexual love you a lifetime
Life Marutto your outlook! Three visits to Kimi large turning point – work, love, to marry
Trying to clear! Real intention and invisible read unexpected attitude of that person, two people of the future
All of this painful love is seen [very appraisal! ] Real intention, bonds, up to the final future
Break the ambiguous relationship! Outcome of chance and love the distance of two people contracted the Gugutsu
Truth only to thoroughly pursue! That person of the lie that do not know yet, feelings are Hitakakushi
An end to the painful unrequited love! You should give up? Or the future will come to desire?
[Center eye without loss] of that person real intention and speculation, faking forced truth and ultimate compatibility
[Boggling predictive level] truth that people do not speak, painful Katakoi fate of
…… Do not look helpless too painful future and approach to that person of thought!
New fact of startle! Three of thought not dare but want to tell that person is actually
[Affair limited] should continue this relationship anyway? I want to if that person is?
Secretly tell you only to you! Of that person real intention, words that tell within 90 days
Openly teach you! Appearance of that of the people “truth”, real intention, the future of Kimi hope
Finally painful love is finished! Of that person real intention, the final decision to be made
[That person of true feelings] kun is not the way in the mood, trying to teach all of that person
[Painful love] it is …… or should give up, how come the day feelings reach
Painful suddenly developed in the painful love! Going that person is to do with the future of with you?
“Do not miss him,” she promised “fate people” – personality, appearance to Mr.
Important words that frankly trying to hit the mark to 3 months that person within the moon is telling you
This is true of it is you! Future nature, fate, skills and walk born with
Your marriage partner is this person! Tatsuya Kurihara foresee of a lifetime companion “10 characteristics of”
See looking around!? Actually are in the buckwheat, the opposite sex of the fate that has been linked by karma
Leave! The reason was in single until now, marriageable age, karma [marriage all appraisal]
Openly teach you – thought was hidden, desire, lust, “seven of true feelings of that person.”
You do not yet know, – up to two people of the “ultimate compatibility” – mind, body, love, marriage
~ Try fortune-telling –
Today’s fortune comprehensive, love, work luck
Tatsuya Kurihara Uranaidan! “Table” not aware “back” of your personality – Basic
“Good” also “evil” is also going to say and bang! Your life, and what happens next events
I also quit the life consultation appraisal – now work? When you change jobs situation will be better?
[Recommended environment]
OS: Android4.0 or more
※ use of the app on the tablet is possible, there is a possibility that the app does not work.
[For a fee appraisal]
Pay appraisal, the case of and use the Google ID that is different from the time of purchase in the same terminal, if you re-install and uninstall the app you will need to re-purchase. Please be careful
[About fortune-telling result]
Due to the nature of the service, it does not guarantee the reliability of information.
Information obtained in this service so you thank you for your use at the discretion and responsibility of your own.
最小: お使いのデバイスは、最高の経験 OS のためのこれらの要件を満たす必要があります-Windows の10バージョン10586.0 またはそれ以上の, Xbox one.
アーキテクチャ: x64、x86
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