In reading the novel of the novelist Kuroiwa Ruiko, I chose the best novel!
Reason for masterpiece bunko application creation
I know the name, but there are lots of novels in the world that do not readily have time to read.
I thought that they would like to feel such masterpieces closely, I made it easy to read one application at a time!
Feel free to read Japanese masterpieces at will when feel free.
I would appreciate it if you have a request to read this work if you can comment!
Synopsis : 1862-1920 Real name is Zhou Xixi. Journalist, translator, writer. Born in Kochi Prefecture. After studying at Osaka English School, I am 17 years old and I am in Tokyo. Following political activities by writing, 24-year-old “Picture Entry Free Newspaper”, then “Miyako Shimbun”, Senior Managing Director and Senior Managing Director of the newspaper, successively wrote popular comments on translated novels, but the opinions conflicted with the new president who was replaced Leaving the company. 30-year-old (1892) “Okinawa morning news” Yorozu Gyouho “was launched together with the family members who left the company. While continuing to publish translated novels such as “Iron Mask”, “King Cao King” and “Nu Hui Yi” at the same time as newspaper management, it also publishes a survey of celebrities such as famous people on the society side, and it also becomes the etymology of the “three-side article”. Also, in human-related books there are “Ono Komachi theory” and “Tianjin theory”.
最小: お使いのデバイスは、最高の経験 OS のためのこれらの要件を満たす必要があります-Windows の10バージョン10586.0 またはそれ以上の, Xbox one.
アーキテクチャ: x64、x86
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